Thursday, 24 January 2013

Positively negative

Apparently our happiness can be defined as this: genetics constitutes for fifty percent, personality traits account for twenty percent and the other twenty percent stems from your thoughts. Therefore it follows that if you think positively, you are more likely to be a positive person, hence your happiness levels ought to be higher. 

I try to be positive. I do. I'm thinking already how pathetic and whiny that sounds writing it out like that. "I'm trying honestly" said the boy who cried wolf- that seems to be me at the moment. I say that I am being positive, but am I really? 
I feel that I am not in control though, of my thoughts I mean. There is a fog in my brain, that won't disperse and clear. It clouds my judgment on others, it cripples my ability to think straight. It leaves me with awful thoughts stipulated by OCD. I can't seem to escape death. It follows me in my dreams. It follows me even in my day-dreams. I lay next to my sister on my parents bed earlier and watched her sleep. She asked me so many questions- what if it doesn't get better? Are you going to university? Are you going off to America? Do you have to leave? But why? I tried to dismiss them, tried to make her sleep, and when sleep finally emerged I had two sickening thoughts. Firstly I thought of my suicide attempt, and how she would be lying here in bed alone if I had succeeded. Secondly, from out of nowhere, a voice said- you should kill the both of you. The thought was so startling I started to weep. Like I said I cannot evade the presence of death; it seems to cling to my soul like a bee to honey. 
I have a lot of OCD thought if that is what you want to call them. They always involve the well being of my family, particularly my mother and recently my sister. I do not care for my own welfare, therefore the thoughts do not seem to concern myself, but rather others. I have to check and double check and triple check that the gas is off, otherwise a voice creeps into my head telling me that my family will die in the night of gas poisoning if I do not check. And when my mother walks out of the house to go shopping, or drive somewhere a feeling ( of desperation? fear?) fills me, and I am duty bound to shout out "BE SAFE" before she leave for her journey. And sometimes I even stand at the door and wave her goodbye, focusing on the details of her face- certain that those moments will be the last time I see her. I have showers and turn of the water taps mid shower, imagining vivid thoughts of burglars invading my home and tying up my mother and sister, torturing them to death, and I listen and wait for it to happen...but of course it doesn't.

I know I'm not right. I have always known this. I have known this to be fact rather than opinion more so than I know of my identification. It has been etched into my brain- this niggling concern that I am not right, that I have the potential to be self destructive, or worse, inflict destruction on others- mainly since I became depressed, and since my major panic attack in October that was so so frightening. 

I just want my mum to come home and tell me it will all be alright. I want to hide under the covers and just not be me for a while. I want to bring the light back into my sisters eyes, with the same resolute desperation that I had when I watched it go out of mine. I want I want I want....

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